











四川大学特聘副研究员。主要从事水污染控制技术研究,研究方向包括污水生物脱氮除磷处理相关工艺;污水系统中温室气体的产生机制、控制策略;污水生物处理系统的建模及仿真。本人长期从事活性污泥法理论,应用研究,取得了一系列具有国际先进水平的研究成果,发表了多篇文章,并作重要国际会议学术报告数次。其中以第一作者在国际环境领域顶级期刊发表论文6篇,包括3Environmental Science & Technology (全球环境学科排名第一) 3Water Research (水污染控制全球排名第一)。受邀在生物领域顶级刊物Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Science发表专题综述论文1篇。


2015.2-至今, 必赢官网 特聘副研究员

2013.3-2015.2,  澳大利亚昆士兰大学 (The University of Queensland) 博士后

2009.9-2013.3 澳大利亚昆士兰大学 (The University of Queensland) 博士

2006.9-2009.1 清华大学 硕士

2002.9-2006.7,  大连理工大学本科


1. 污水处理系统中温室气体的产生机制及控制

2. 污水生物脱氮除磷新工艺和新技术

3. 污水生物处理系统建模及仿真.


1. 国家自然科学基金:解析反硝化过程中的电子竞争机制及其对N2O积累的影响, 2016-2018,主持

2. 好氧颗粒污泥反应器中温室气体N2O产生机制的研究(四川大学人才引进启动经费)2015-2017,主持

3. 澳大利亚国家自然科学基金ARC LP100100325 - Nitrous oxide and methane emissions from South East Queensland waterways and influence of wastewater discharges,主要参与

4. 澳大利亚国家自然科学基金Australia Research Council Linkage Project: Understanding and mitigating nitrous oxide emission from wastewater treatment plants,主要参与

5. “十一五”国家科技支撑计划重点项目-A2/O工艺城市污水处理厂节能降耗关键技术,参与


1.   Pan Y.Ni B.-J.Lu H.Chandran K.Richardson D.Yuan Z.Evaluating two concepts for the modelling of intermediates accumulation during biological denitrification in wastewater treatmentWater Research20157121-31 SCI,IF=5.528)。

2.   Ni, B.- J., Pan, Y., van den Akker, B., Ye, L., & Yuan, Z. Full-Scale Modeling Explaining Large Spatial Variations of Nitrous Oxide Fluxes in a Step-Feed Plug-Flow Wastewater Treatment Reactor. Environmental science & technology, 201549(15), 9176-9184 SCI,IF=5.530,共同第一作者)。

3.   Pan Y.Ni B.-J.Yuan Z.Modeling electron competition among nitrogen oxides reduction and N2O accumulation in denitrificationEnvironmental Science & Technology20134719):11083-11091 SCI,IF=5.530)。

4.   Pan Y.Ye L.Yuan Z.Effect of H2S on N2O reduction and accumulation during denitrification by methanol utilizing denitrifiersEnvironmental Science & Technology20134715):8408-8415 SCI,IF=5.530)。

5.   Pan Y.Ni B.-J.Bond P.L.Ye L.Yuan Z.Electron competition among nitrogen oxides reduction during methanol-utilizing denitrification in wastewater treatmentWater Research20134710):3273-3281 SCI,IF=5.528)。

6.   Pan Y.Ye L.Ni B.-J.Yuan Z.(*)Effect of pH on N 2O reduction and accumulation during denitrification by methanol utilizing denitrifiersWater Research20124615):4832-4840 SCI,IF=5.528)。

7.   Law Y.Ye L.Pan Y.Yuan Z.Nitrous oxide emissions from wastewater treatment processesPhilosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London: Biological Sciences20123671593):1265-1277SCI,IF=6.230)。

8.   Pan, Y.Akker, B.V.d.Ni, B.-J.Ye, L.Watts, S.Yuan, Z.Nitrous Oxide Emissions from a Step-feed Full Scale Wastewater Treatment PlantIWA Specialist Conference - Global Challenges: Sustainable Wastewater Treatment and Resource Recovery2014.10.26-2014.10.30

9.   Pan, Y.; Ye, L.; Byers, C.; Akker, B.V.d.; Mosse, W.; Yuan,Z.Quantifying N2O Emissions from five WWTPs in Australia through Online MonitoringIWA - World Water Congress & Exhibition2014.9.21-2014.9.26

10.  Pan, Y.; Ni, B.-J.; Yuan, Z.Evaluating two concepts for the modelling of biological denitrification4th IWA/WEF Wastewater Treatment Modelling Seminar2014.3.30-2014.4.2

11.  Pan Y.; Ye L.; Yuan Z.The effect of electron competition among different steps of denitrification on N2O accumulationIWA Nutrient Removal and Recovery 2012: Trends in NRR2012.9.23-2012.9.25

12.  Pan Y.; Ye L.; Yuan Z.Understanding the role of pH on N2O production during denitrificationIWA World Water Congress & Exhibition2012.9.16-2012.9.21

13.  Pan Y.; Ye L.; Yuan Z.The effect of H2S on N2O accumulation during denitrificationthe 9th IWA Leading-Edge Technology Conference on Water and Wastewater Technologies2012.6.3-2012.6.7


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