

















必赢官网环境科学与工程系副研究员,博士生导师,副系主任,四川省高层次引进人才四川大学双百人才。从事再生水水质安全评价与保障工作,重点关注污水再生处理的化学氧化技术、安全消毒技术及再生水毒性评价与控制技术。主持国家自然科学基金面上项目、青年科学基金项目、中国博士后科学基金面上项目和特别资助项目;以研究骨干身份参与水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项子课题、国家重点研发计划子课题。在Environmental Science & TechnologyWater Research等环境领域知名期刊发表论文70余篇。获中国循环经济协会科学技术奖一等奖国家自然基金委员会工程与材料科学部第十届环境工程青年论坛优秀报告奖。



1. 20211月至今,必赢官网环境科学与工程系,副研究员

2. 20187-202012月,清华大学清华-伯克利深圳学院,博士后

3. 201610-201611月,日本京都大学环境质量管理研究中心,短期交流

4. 20148-20151月,香港科技大学土木与环境工程系,联合培养博士生

5. 20139-20186月,清华大学环境学院环境科学与工程专业,获工学博士学位

6. 20099-20136月,必赢官网环境工程专业,获工学学士学位



1. 污水再生处理的氧化和消毒技术

2. 氧化副产物和消毒副产物的评价与控制技术

3. 再生水水质安全评价与控制技术







1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目臭氧/高铁酸盐协同氧化技术及强化控制再生水细胞毒性和遗传毒性机制52170044 2022.01-2025.12,主持

2. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,再生水臭氧氧化的新型有机溴代副产物及其DNA损伤效应控制原理,519083152020.01-2022.12,主持

3. 四川省科技厅青年科学基金项目,高铁酸盐“一步式”除磷脱毒消杀污水再生工艺研发,2022NSFSC09742021.01-2023.12,主持

4. 中国博士后科学基金特别资助项目2019T1201032019.03-2020.12,主持

5. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目2018M6413842018.09-2020.12,主持

6. 四川大学引进人才科研启动经费资助项目,2021.04-2024.04,主持

7. 科技部国家重点研发计划西南民族村寨防灾技术综合示范”子课题,2020YFD11007002021.1-2022.12,参与

8. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,光照对再生水氯消毒副产物及其细胞毒性的控制机制与强化原理,516783322017.01-2020.12参与

9. 生态环境部水体污染控制与治理科技重大专项苏州区域水质提升与水生态安全保障技术及综合示范项目”子课题,


10. 科技部国家重点研发计划再生水安全供水系统与关键技术”子课题,2016YFE01188002016.12-2019.12,参与




1. Du, Y., Wang, W. L., Wang, Z. W., Yuan, C. J., Ye, M. Q., Wu, Q. Y.* Overlooked Cytotoxicity and Genotoxicity to Mammalian Cells Caused by the Oxidant Peroxymonosulfate during Wastewater Treatment Compared with the Sulfate Radical-Based Ultraviolet/Peroxymonosulfate Process. Environmental Science & Technology, 2023, 57, 3311−3322(补充封面论文)

2. Jiang, Y., Gao, B., Wang, Z., Li, J., Du, Y.*, He, C., Liu, Y., Yao, G., Lai, B*. Efficient wastewater disinfection by raised 1O2 yield through enhanced electron transfer and intersystem crossing via photocatalysis of peroxymonosulfate with CuS quantum dots modified MIL-101 (Fe). Water Research, 2023, 229, 119489.

3. Wang, Z., Du, Y.*, Jiang, Y., Li, J., He, C., Liu, Y., Xiong, Z., Lai, B.*, Fe (V) Dominates the Toxicity Increase Pathway during Ferrate (VI) Degradation of Fluoroquinolone Antibiotics. ACS ES&T Engineering, 2023

4. Li, J., Du, Y.*, Zhao, E. Y., Jiang, Y., Wang, Z., Zhang, H., Zhou, P., Xiong, Z., Lai, B. Enhanced purification of hospital wastewater by a novel ferrate (VI) flocs recycling process. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 461, 141832.

5. Huang, W. C., Liu, M., Zhang, F. G., Li, D., Du, Y.*, Chen, Y.*, Wu, Q. Y. Removal of disinfection byproducts and toxicity of chlorinated water by post-treatments of ultraviolet/hydrogen peroxide and ultraviolet/peroxymonosulfate. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 352, 131563.

6. Wu, Q.Y., Lu, X.S., Feng, M.B., Wang, W.L., Du, Y.*, Yang, L.L., Hu, H.Y. Reduction of cytotoxicity and DNA double-strand break effects of wastewater by ferrate(VI): Roles of oxidation and coagulation, Water Research, 2021, 205, 117667.

7. Wu, Q.Y., Yang, L.L., Du,Y.*, Liang, Z.F., Wang, W.L., Song, Z.M., Wu, D.X. Toxicity of ozonated wastewater to HepG2 cells: Taking full account of nonvolatile, volatile, and inorganic byproducts. Environmental Science & Technology, 2021, 55(15), 10597-10607.

8. Wu, Q.Y., Yang, L.L., Zhang, X.Y., Wang, W.L., Lu, Y., Du, Y.*, Lun Y., Hu, H.Y. Ammonia-mediated bromate inhibition during ozonation promotes the toxicity due to organic byproduct transformation. Environmental Science & Technology, 2020, 54, 8926-8937

9. Wu, Q.Y., Liang, Z.F., Wang, W.L., Du, Y.*, Hu, H.Y., Yang, L.L., Huang, W.C. Non-volatile disinfection byproducts are far more toxic to mammalian cells than volatile byproducts. Water Research, 2020, 183, 116080.

10. Du, Y., Wang W.L., Zhang, D.Y., Zhou, T.H., Lee, M.Y., Wu, Q.Y.*, Hu, H.Y., He, Z.M., Huang, T.Y. Degradation of non-oxidizing biocide benzalkonium chloride and bulk dissolved organic matter in reverse osmosis concentrate by UV/chlorine oxidation. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2020, 396, 122669

11. Du, Y., Yang, Y., Wang, W.L., Zhou, Y.T., Wu, Q.Y.*, Hu, H.Y. Surrogates for the removal by ozonation of the cytotoxicity and DNA double-strand break effects of wastewater on mammalian cells. Environment International, 2020, 135, 105369.

12. Wu, Q.Y.*, Zhou, Y.T., Li, W., Zhang, X., Du, Y.*, Hu, H. Y. Underestimated risk from ozonation of wastewater containing bromide: Both organic byproducts and bromate contributed to the toxicity increase. Water Research, 2019, 162,43-52. ESI热点论文)

13. Du, Y., Wu, Q.Y.*, Lv, X.T., Ye, B., Zhan, X.M., Lu, Y., Hu, H.Y.* Electron donating capacity reduction of dissolved organic matter by solar irradiation reduces the cytotoxicity formation potential during wastewater chlorination. Water Research, 2018, 145, 94-102.

14. Du, Y., Wu, Q.Y.*, Lv, X. T., Wang, Q. P., Lu, Y., Hu, H.Y.* Exposure to solar light reduces cytotoxicity of sewage effluents to mammalian cells: Roles of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species. Water Research, 2018, 143, 570-578.

15. Du, Y., Zhang, X., Li, C., Wu, Q.Y.*, Huang, H., Hu, H.Y. Transformation of DON in reclaimed water under solar light irradiation leads to decreased haloacetamide formation potential during chloramination. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2017, 340, 319-325.

16. Chen, C., Du, Y., Zhou, Y., Wu, Q., Zheng, S., Fang, J.* Formation of nitro (so) and chlorinated products and toxicity alteration during the UV/monochloramine treatment of phenol. Water Research, 2021, 194, 116914.

17. Huo, Z.Y., Du, Y., Chen, Z., Wu, Y.H.*, Hu, H.Y. Evaluation and prospects of nanomaterial-enabled innovative processes and devices for water disinfection: A state-of-the-art review. Water Research, 2020, 173, 115581.

18. Huang, W.C., Du, Y., Liu, M., Hu, H.Y., Wu, Q.Y.*, Chen, Y.* Influence of UV irradiation on the toxicity of chlorinated water to mammalian cells: Toxicity drivers, toxicity changes and toxicity surrogates. Water Research, 2019, 165, 115024.

19. Lv, X.T., Zhang, X., Du, Y., Wu, Q.Y.*, Lu, Y., Hu, H.Y. Solar light irradiation significantly reduced cytotoxicity and disinfection byproducts in chlorinated reclaimed water. Water Research, 2017, 125, 162-169.

20. 胡洪营*, 杜烨, 吴乾元, 陈卓, 杨宏伟, 陆韻, 李魁晓. 系统工程视野下的再生水饮用回用安全保障体系构建. 环境科学研究, 2018, 31(7), 1163-1173.



1. 国际水协出版社(IWA PublishingSCI期刊Water ReuseIF 3.154)国际编委

2. Elsevier出版社SCI期刊Chinese Chemical LettersIF 6.779)青年编委

3. 北大中文核心期刊《化学试剂》青年编委




2.优秀报告奖:污水臭氧氧化毒性变化的全面认识, 国家自然基金委员会工程与材料科学部第十届环境工程青年论坛, 重庆,

3.优秀报告奖:污水水质对臭氧氧化毒性生成的影响特性, 第四届西北水环境青年学者论坛, 西安

4.特邀报告:污水臭氧氧化的副产物及毒性生成特征, 3届西北水环境青年学者论坛, 兰州,

5.特邀报告:污水臭氧氧化毒性变化的全面认识, 英国皇家化学会RSC科学创造营名师讲堂:SDG6清洁用水和公共卫生专场.



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