

















1、2011.9—至今 必赢官网,教授

2、2008.3—2011.8 北京大学工学院,教授





7、2000.10—2001.9 中国赴日本国留学生预备学校,学员

8、1998.8—2001.9 四川大学化工学院,讲师


10、1992.8—1995.7四川大学化工学院 生物化工,获硕士学位

11、1988.9—1992.7成都科技大学化工学院 生物化工,获学士学位


1、 有机废水/废物生物处理及资源化

2、 有机废弃物生物转化

3、 环境微生物生态

4、 微生物育种









1、 科技部重点专项项目“产沼气过程互营脂肪酸降解微生物学及环境胁迫响应机制”(主持)

2、 国家自然科学基金项目“厌氧消化系统互营丙酸氧化菌群结构和代谢特征及抑制响应”(主持)

3、 国家自然科学基金项目“以纤维素类生物质为原料的工业燃料乙醇生产用酿酒酵母的育种研究” (主持)

4、 科技部重点项目子课题“含铬污泥微生物淋滤技术工艺开发” (主持)

5、 科技部重点项目课题“内源微生物生态结构分析与功能菌群构建技术研究”  (主持)

6、 科技部重点项目子课题“高效铬污染治理菌种分离及调控技术基础研究” (主持)

7、 国际合作项目,日本新能源产业技术综合开发机构(NEDO)项目,“软生物质生产燃料乙醇技术开发”(主持)

8、 国土资源部科研专项“滨海湿地生态系统微生物固碳能力及其调控研究” (主持)

9、 科技部国际合作项目“低成本有机废水资源与能源转化耦合二氧化碳减排的新型系统技术”(参与)

10、 北京市共建项目“不同处理工艺对饮用水生物稳定性的影响研究”(主持)

11、 国家基金委重大国际合作项目“利用高效微生物群落-植物耦合强化水体有机物及磷污染治理机理研究”(参与)

12、 高校创新基金“新型饮用水生物稳定性指标研究及其控制技术开发”(参与)

13、 横向合作项目“木薯制燃料乙醇菌种和高浓度发酵技术工艺包” (主持)

14、 横向合作项目“木糖醇发酵菌种和发酵技术研究” (主持)

15、 横向合作项目“戊糖己糖发酵菌种和发酵技术研究” (主持)


1. Ya-Ting Chen, Yan Zeng, Jie Li, Xin-Yu Zhao, Yue Yi, Min Gou, Yoichi Kamagata, Takashi Narihiro, Masaru Konishi Nobu*, Yue-Qin Tang*. Novel syntrophic isovalerate-degrading bacteria and their energetic cooperation with methanogens in methanogenic chemostats. Environmental Science and Technology, 2020, 54, 9618-9628

2. Bai-Xue Yang, Cai-Yun Xie, Zi-Yuan Xia, Ya-Jing Wu, Bo Li, Yue-Qin Tang*. The effect of xylose reductase genes on xylitol production by industrial Saccharomyces cerevisiae in fermentation of glucose and xylose. Process Biochemistry, 2020, 95, 122-130

3. Cai-Yun Xie, Bai-Xue Yang, Ya-Jing Wu, Zi-Yuan Xia, Min Gou, Zhao-Yong Sun, Yue-Qin Tang*. Construction of industrial xylose-fermenting Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains through combined approaches. Process Biochemistry, 2020, 96, 80-89

4. Xiaomeng Lv, Min Yang, Lirong Dai, Bo Tu, Chen Chang, Yu Deng, Lawson Paul, Hui Zhang, Lei Cheng*, Yueqin Tang*. Zhaonella formicivorans gen. nov., sp. nov., an anaerobic formate utilization bacterium isolated from Shengli oilfield, and proposal of four novel families and Moorellales ord. nov. in the phylum Firmicutes. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, 2020, 70: 3361-3373

5. Bo Li, Cai-Yun Xie, Bai-Xue Yang, Min Gou, Zi-Yuan Xia, Zhao-Yong Sun, Yue-Qin Tang*. The response mechanisms of industrial Saccharomyces cerevisiae to acetic acid and formic acid during mixed glucose and xylose fermentation. Process Biochemistry, 2020, 91, 319-329

6. Ya-Ting Chen, Yan Zeng, Hui-Zhong Wang, Dan Zheng, Yoichi Kamagata, Takashi Narihiro*, Masaru Konishi Nobu*, Yue-Qin Tang*. Different interspecies electron transfer patterns during mesophilic and thermophilic syntrophic propionate degradation in chemostats. Microbial Ecology, 2020, 80:120–132

7. Hui-Zhong Wang, Jie Li, Yue Yi, Min Gou, Masaru K Nobu, Takashi Narihiro, Yue-Qin Tang*. Response to inhibitory conditions of acetate-degrading methanogenic microbial community. Journal of Bioscience and Biotechnology, 2020,129(4):476-485

8. Min Gou, HuiZhong Wang, Jie Li, ZhaoYong Sun, Yong Nie, Masaru Konishi Nobu, Yue-Qin Tang*. Different inhibitory mechanisms of chlortetracycline and enrofloxacin on mesophilic anaerobic degradation of propionate. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2020, 27: 1406-1416

9. Jie Li, Hui-Zhong Wang, Yue Yi, Min Gou, Zi-Yuan Xia, Ya-Ting Chen*, Yue-Qin Tang*. Response of isovalerate-degrading methanogenic microbial community to inhibitors. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 2020,191:1010–1026

10. Hui-Zhong Wang, Yue Yi, Dan Zheng, Min Gou, Nie Yong, Bin Hu, Masaru K Nobu, Takashi Narihiro, Yue-Qin Tang*. Reveal novel propionate- and acetate-oxidizing bacteria in propionate-fed mesophilic anaerobic chemostats by DNA-based stable isotope probing. Scientific Reports, 2019, 9, 17396

11. Jing Zeng, Jie Li, Min Gou, Zi-Yuan Xia, Zhao-Yong Sun, Yue-Qin Tang*. Effective strategy for improving sludge treatment rate and microbial mechanisms during chromium bioleaching of tannery sludge. Process Biochemistry, 2019,83: 159-167

12. Dan Zheng, Hui-Zhong Wang, Min Gou, Masaru Konishi Nobu, Takashi Narihiro, Bin Hu, Yong Nie, Yue-Qin Tang*. Identification of novel potential acetate-oxidizing bacteria in thermophilic methanogenic chemostats by DNA stable isotope probing. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2019, 103(20):8631-8645

13. Yun-Cheng Li, Wei-Yi Zeng, Min Gou, Zhao-Yong Sun, Zi-Yuan Xia, Yue-Qin Tang*. Transcriptome changes in adaptive evolution of xylose-fermenting industrial Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains with δ-integration of different xylA genes. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2017, 101(20): 7741-7753

14. Wei-Yi Zeng, Min Gou, Yue-Qin Tang*, Zhao-Yong Sun, Zi-Yuan Xia, Kenji Kida Comparative transcriptomes reveal novel evolutionary strategies adopted by Saccharomyces cerevisiae with improved xylose utilization capability. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2017, 101(4): 1753–1767

15. Yun-Cheng Li, Zi-Xi Gou, Min Gou, Yue-Qin Tang*, Kenji Kida. Evaluation of inhibitor tolerance of recombinant xylose-fermenting flocculating industrial Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain NAPX37. Brazilian Journal of Microbiology, 2017, 48(4),791-800

16. Jing Zeng, Min Gou, Yue-Qin Tang*, Guo-Ying Li, Zhao-Yong Sun, Kenji Kida. Effective bioleaching of chromium in tannery sludge with an enriched sulfur-oxidizing bacterial community. Bioresource Technology, 2016, 218: 859-866

17. Wei-Yi Zeng, Yue-Qin Tang*, Min Gou, Zi-Yuan Xia, Kenji Kida. Transcriptomes of a xylose-utilizing industrial flocculating Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain cultured in media containing different sugar sources. AMB Express, 2016, 6: 51

18. Yun-Cheng Li, Guo-Ying Li, Min Gou, Zi-Yuan Xia, Yue-Qin Tang*, Kenji Kida. Functional expression of xylose isomerase in industrial flocculating Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain for fuel ethanol production. Journal of Bioscience and Bioengineering. 2016, 121 (6), 685-691

19. Yun-Cheng Li, Kanako Mitsumasu, Zi-Xi Gou, Min Gou, Yue-Qin Tang*, Guo-Ying Li, Xiao-Lei Wu, Takashi Akamatsu, Hisataka Taguchi, Kenji Kida. Xylose fermentation efficiency and inhibitor tolerance of the recombinant industrial Saccharomyces cerevisiae strain NAPX37. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2016, 100: 1531–1542

20. Min Gou, Jing Zeng, Huizhong Wang, Yueqin Tang*, Toru Shigematsu, Shigeru Morimura, Kenji Kida. Microbial community structure and dynamics of starch-fed and glucose-fed chemostats during two years of continuous operation. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 2016, 10(2): 368-380


Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology



2019年中国教育部自然科学奖, 2016年中国环境保护部“环境保护科学技术奖”, 2013年度日本生物工学会“生物工程亚洲青年奖”, 2013年度日本酿造学会“技术奖”, 2010年度日本生物工学会“论文奖”等







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