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更新时间:2018-05-29 01:03:28点击次数:


题目:Characterizing seismic ground motions for hazard and risk modeling

讲座人:H. P. Hong, PhD, PEng

时间:2018-5-30(周三),下午2:30-3:30 PM



In this presentation, we provide some of our research results focused on seismic hazard and risk modeling. We emphasize the characterization of ground motion measures, spatial incoherency model of multi-component ground motions, and estimation of seismic risk for a portfolio of buildings. We compared the seismic hazard estimated directly using directly data based approach and seismicity (source, occurrence and attenuation relation) based approach. We showed that the (average) lagged coherency for record components oriented along the principal axes is similar in magnitude to that for randomly oriented orthogonal horizontal components, and that the spatial correlation can important to calculate the seismic loss for a portfolio of building.


Hanping Hong, PhD, is a full professor in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Western Ontarioin London, Ontario, Canada.He is a member of Academy of Engineering of Mexico. He also serves as a High-Expert in College of Civil Engineering, Tongji University, China.He holds B.Eng., M.Eng., and Dr. Eng degrees all from National University of Autonomous of Mexico. Dr. Hong has expertise in the areas of reliability and risk assessment, natural hazard modeling, and design code calibration. He has contributed to the reliability-based and economic efficient structural design code development and calibration. His research aims to provide information-sensitive reliability-based design of civil structures and infrastructure. Some of his research results are implemented by the code/standard for enhanced and innovative engineering practice. His research group has already developed natural hazard maps focused on extreme wind, snow or earthquake for Canada, Mexico and China. Dr. Hong is actively participating in several design codification and standard committees, including National Building Code of Canada, Standing Committee on Structural Design; CSA-S408-81 “Guidelines for the Development of Limit States Design”; Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code; and ISO/TC98-SC3-Load, forces and other actions.





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