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University College London董文晨博士学术讲座通知
更新时间:2021-09-09 16:25:54点击次数:0

University College London董文晨博士学术讲座通知


人:董文晨 博士

人:土木工程系 研究员

讲座时间:2021年9月13日,10:00 - 11:00




Mass timber buildings are gaining increasing interest around the world. However, timber has relatively low elastic modulus when compared with reinforced concrete and steel and limited ductility due to the possibility of brittle failure modes. Seismic considerations usually govern the design of lateral force resisting systems in earthquake-prone countries. In this presentation, we will introduce the experimental tests of BRB-braced glulam frames (BRBGFs). Following the capacity design approach, two 8 m wide and 3.6 m high full-scale BRBGFs were designed and tested under cyclic loading. Then, component-based numerical models were developed in OpenSees to investigate BRBGFs with general configurations. Finally, a direct displacement-based design (DDBD) approach was developed for the BRBGF system to avoid the complicated process of numerical modelling and facilitate the application of the hybrid system. A set of BRBGF buildings were designed as examples to showcase the DDBD approach and to confirm the effectiveness of the DDBD approach.


Dr. Wenchen Dong (董文晨) completed his bachelor study at Harbin Institute of Technology and his master study at Tongji University, China. During his master study, he investigated a hybrid system combining the timber light- frame shear walls with steel moment-resisting frames. He finished his PhD study at University of Canterbury, New Zealand to investigate an innovative timber-steel hybrid system that integrated buckling restrained braces into glulam frames. His past research mainly focused on improving current timber products by optimizing their configurations, promoting the understanding of timber structures for engineers by developing practical design guides, providing solutions for the challenges in timber structure seismic design by verifying innovative timber-related systems experimentally and numerically and raising the awareness of the public to timber structures by close collaboration on product development with the industry. He is currently working as a Research Fellow for University College London, the UK on a circular economy project to develop more environment-friendly engineered wood products.

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